GC Dentulous Trays


Coated Metal, Stainless Steel and Plastic
These GC stock trays have been specially designed for use with dentate patients and are available in many different sizes, shapes and types.

SKU: GC Dentulous Trays Categories:

Coated metal trays

  • Rigid but still bendable
         For a more individual fit
  • Resistant to sterilization
         Very durable
  • Welded rimlock borders
         Pressure build-up during impression taking

Stainless steel trays

  • Resistant to sterilization
         Very durable
  • Welded rimlock borders
         Pressure build-up during impression taking

Plastic spacer trays

  • Unique ‘zig zag’ rim
         To minimize cusp contact
  • Rimlock borders
         Pressure build-up during impression taking
  • Disposable


Instructions for Use
